20 years of Skala Reinsurance Brokers
SKALA Reinsurance Brokers Ltd. celebrates 20 years of activity on the reinsurance market and has gained the trust of many partners around the world. The first major reinsurance contract was the largest Oil Refinery in Russia.
From the beginning, the Broker has been focused to reinsurance service for numerous Russian insurance companies. The Broker provides a full package of services, ranging from writing properly wording to assistance for the settlement of losses. Partners in the market immediately appreciated the professionalism and capabilities of the Broker.
Skala was registered on April 4, 2001 in Moscow. In 2010, SKALA entered the international market, starting from the CIS countries. There came the first major reinsurance aviation contract for the fleet. Later, aviation risks have become one of the company's greatest strengths.
At the same time, the direction of construction risks developed in company, where SKALA gained leadership positions in some markets of the former Soviet Union.
During the years, SKALA formed various contacts with leading Western reinsurance companies thanks to various international insurance and reinsurance conferences where it took part (including Baden-Baden, Monte-Carlo, Asian and African events and others).
“20 years in the market is a great success, which is a huge merit of the Team, Management and Partners who trust the company,” declared the representatives of the company.
“SKALA expresses its gratitude to each and every Insurance company that entrusts its risks to the placement. Particular thanks to all reliable Reinsurers who are ready to accept the most challenging risks.”
The company plans to further develop, expand its customer and geographical coverage, and increase its gross premium.

15 years of Skala Reinsurance Brokers